Christine attends Piketon and is a cheerleader. She is the girlfriend of Andy Pearl ("Pearls Girl")hehehe. She is a blast. I took her portraits last year for the Jingle Bell Court and she came with Andy when I took his portraits last year. I knew she would be fun, egdy and up for anything. Which she was and her portraits portray that.
Kayla attends Waverly HS and is big into sports. She can sing (although she wouldnt for me ..hehehe) She actually had 2 seperate photo shoots! She wanted different locations outdoors and different hair styles. Model material!!
Meet Brandy!!! She has been to my studio twice now and I enjoy it everytime she comes!!! She is not only beautiful, but a blast to hang out with! She is into cheerleading and hanging out with her best friend Casey!
This blog is here because of you, our customers!! We wanted a way for you to preview our work and post upcoming specials! We run contest here from time to time so always check back!