Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Kayla attends Waverly HS and is big into sports. She can sing (although she wouldnt for me ..hehehe) She actually had 2 seperate photo shoots! She wanted different locations outdoors and different hair styles. Model material!!


Anonymous said...

she is so pretty,no way could you pick a pose out of that. you really
did a good job on those shoots of kayla.why don't she model? she could really show your good work.

Anonymous said...

thank you!! She is a great model and a great person!!

Anonymous said...

i have never saw a girl as pretty as kayla,is she a real model or one of your great models? she sure can show the good work you do.it's just unreal how she looks,she has so many looks in each pose.she dose'nt even look like just a home town girl.i hope she goes on to model that face, it's unreal,lucky girl.you need to do more shots of her,see what all you can really do with her. sonya you unreal poses.

Anonymous said...

i have never saw a girl as pretty as kayla,is she a real model or one of your great models? she sure can show the good work you do.it's just unreal how she looks,she has so many looks in each pose.she dose'nt even look like just a home town girl.i hope she goes on to model that face, it's unreal,lucky girl.you need to do more shots of her,see what all you can really do with her. sonya you do unreal poses.